
High Intensity Light Type A/B

Used as day & night fire, the light conforms to ICAO and FAA regulations. High-intensity obstacle lights, Type A/B, should be used to indicate the presence of an object if its height above the level of the surrounding ground exceeds 150 m and an aeronautical study indicates such lights to be essential for the recognition of the object by day.

Type A: White Flashing Burning Light, 200000 Cd

Type B: White Flashing Burning Light, 100000 Cd

General Specifications:

  • Visibility through fog, rain, dust storm and humidity upto 95%
  • No electromagnetic, radio-frequency interference
  • Low power consumption and build in surge protection
  • Life span more than 100k burning hours
  • Integrated GPS/Photo sensor for automatic dusk to dawn operation
  • Status monitoring of lights on LCD and in master controller at ground level
  • Clear borosilicate glass lens for reduced sand blasting
  • Low or no maintenance required
  • Alarm dry contact NC and NO activated in case of lamp failure
  • Secondary optics to reduce light scattering and pollution

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